World Heart Day Essay, Theme, Speech, Wiki, Quotes, Posters
World Heart Day Essay, Theme, Speech, Wiki, Quotes, Posters
World Heart Day Wiki
World Heart Day is a campaign recognized to spread attentiveness about the well-being of heart among regular people throughout the planet. This proposal was founded in the year 2000 to notify people to be concerned of their heart. A massive percentage of general public in the society is suffering from the heart diseases like stroke, heart failure, heart attack, etc. Heart troubles are the top causes of death in the world.
World Heart Day 2016 : 29th of September
It is celebrated every twelve months all over the world on 29th of September. A particular theme is determined for the each year festivity in order to gain attention on the central subject and make it successful. The theme is arranged by keeping in mind the chief issues of heart health condition. According to the World Heart Federation, no less than 80 percentage of the untimely deaths (reason :cardiovascular diseases) can be shielded by scheming four major risk factors such as harmful diet, tobacco use, no physical activity and consumption of alcohol.
World Heart Day 2016 Theme
The heart associated evils and deaths can be solved by the active participation of the general public through the movement of world heath day. A variety of governmental and private associations as well as NGOs all around the globe are functioning to increase the consciousness of CVD (cardio vascular disease-the world’s top cause of death).
World Heart Day History
World Heart Day was celebrated every year on the last Sunday of the September month since the year it was established until 2010. It is an efficient event established in 2000 and planned each year by the World Heart Federation since 2000. As of the year 2011, it was started celebrating yearly on 29th of September. World Heart Federation and its members keenly engage in the festival in order to widen the information about early deaths from heart diseases and its risk factors to the regular public. There are numerous collaborators of the World Heart Federation in this campaign together with some primary and worldwide non-profits (Indian Heart Association). Through this campaign, numerous effective preventative actions are promoted in order to diminish the threat of cardiovascular diseases.
World Heart Day Celebration
World Heart Day is celebrated all over the world every year by organizing a range of events and activities linked to the heart health for further knowledge in the common public. The intention of this campaign is to inspire people for energetic participation in a giant number to make this campaign victorious and a world liberated of heart diseases. There are several ways people can be occupied in the celebration such as scheduling their own ways, sharing healthy heart selfies on Twitter, Facebook pages and further social media sites to enhance the campaign, keep an eye on the website of world heart federation frequently for recent updates and information.
Speech on World Heart Day
A variety of governments and non-government organizations, charity funds, NGOs and other organizations observe this event to encourage the campaign through many activities like fun runs, concerts, fitness sessions, public talks, stage shows, screenings, heart check-up camps, sporting events, walks, science forums, overall health check-up, exhibitions and many more. Variety of consciousness events are planned by the world heart federation in cooperation with the other organizations in more than 100 countries internationally. It provides a vast opportunity to the people across the earth to take part in the largest event against cardiovascular diseases.
World Heart Day 2016 Theme
International Heart Day 2016 Theme : ” Power Your Life “
World Heart Day Quotes
❤️ “Do what it takes to start, to have a healthy heart”
❤️ “For good health’s sake, run, jump, and shake.”
World Heart Day 2016 Quotes / Slogans
❤️ “Fruits & veggies – more matters.”
❤️ “Get pumped up about Heart Health”
World Heart Day Posters
World Heart Day 2016
Heart Day Posters
Happy Heart Day Images
Heart Day Quotes | International Heart Day ImagesWorld Heart Day Wallpapers