My Favorite Scientist : Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Essay , IELTS Cue Cards
Personality of Abdul Kalam
My favorite Scientist – Abdul Kalam (15 October 1931 – 27 July 2015) is a role model to the youthful India today. He has encouraged the youth of India by dreaming big and accomplishing the goals. Teenagers admired him for his ‘low living and high thinking’. He is also known for his optimistic attitude that is commendable, while his rise from poverty to the office of ‘The President of India’ was tremendously impressive to the public of India. Dr. Abdul Kalam belonged from an underprivileged family and yet he became the President of India. This is because he had dreamt big and was raised with correct moral values which should be given to each and every child for leading an excellent life ahead. He encourages his followers to do the same.

Achievements of Abdul Kalam
Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam is a self motivated character, he is commonly known as the People’s President because behind India’s accomplishment of the nuclear status amongst the global arena it is his chief brain and efforts. He studied to expand his knowledge and guide the youth with his ever- inspiring thoughts. He is famously celebrated as the Missile Man of India due to his hard work on the improvement of ballistic missiles including the space rocket machinery. It is essential to have familiarity about the admired person, how he had been struggling to attain his goals and his story of victory.
Abdul Kalam As My Favourite Scientist
After graduating from the Madras Institute of Technology , Kalam united with the Aeronautical Development Establishment of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) as a scientist. He began his career by designing a small hovercraft, but was not persuaded by his selection of a job at DRDO. Kalam was also a part of the INCOSPAR group working under Vikram Sarabhai, the famous space scientist. In 1969, Kalam was shifted to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) where he was the project administrator of India’s first Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III) which successfully positioned the Rohini satellite in near -earth orbit in July 1980; Kalam had initially started work on an expandable rocket project separately at DRDO in 1965. In 1969, Kalam received the government’s consent and extended the programme to take in more engineers.
Kalam was the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of the Defence Research and Development Organisation from July 1992 to December 1999. The Pokhran-II nuclear tests were performed during this time period in which he played a serious political and technological responsibility. Kalam also served as the Chief Project Coordinator, beside with Rajagopala Chidambaram, during the testing stage. Media exposure of Kalam during this episode made him the country’s best known nuclear scientist.
Why Abdul Kalam is My Favourite Scientist ?
Mr. Kalam is my favorite scientist as he carried out all his responsibilities efficiently. He was not only a great scientist but also proved himself as a very responsible president. He was a genius and, above all, an extraordinary human being. He has inspired a lot of people through his writings and speeches. He touched the lives of everyone who worked with him. He was all that a country could ask for.
Questions Related My Favorite Scientist
- Describe a famous scientist or artist in your country.