International Women’s Day Essay , Article , Quotes , Theme
Why International Women’s Day Celebrated?
International Women’s Day : “Woman” is a very beautiful creation who is the beauty of life. This world has colors just because of woman. She is very caring and loving as a mother, as a daughter, as a sister, as a wife and as a friend. A woman cannot be defined in few words because she is a complete book of life which explains the every color of life. A woman sacrifices her whole life for her family, works from day to night for the support of her family and spends her whole life for others. A woman cannot be defeated if she stands against something. If she is stubborn, then she can pass through every trouble but do not give up. A collection of sacrifice, love, care, mystery, stubbornness, fun, tears, grace and beauty is called a “Woman”.

When International Women’s Day Celebrated ?
International Women’s Day is therefore celebrated to pay tribute, to pay regard to all the forms of women. This day is celebrated on 8th March every year. This day was originally called “The working women’s day” but then it is named as “women’s day”. This day was first celebrated on 28th February 1909 in New York which was organized by the socialist party of America. Then in 1910, International Women’s Conference was organized in which, socialists were impressed by the American socialists and proposed the establishment of International Women’s day to appreciate the love and sacrifices of the women all over the world.
International Women’s day Importance
On this day, conferences, rallies, functions and gatherings are arranged all over the world to appreciate and give regard to the women of the world. Programs are arranged to pay tribute to the women who died or martyred in the call of duty. The sacrifices of women are memorized to tell the world about the importance of a “Woman”. On this day, governments of different countries announce different packages for working women and offer different schemes for house wives. Woman is respectable, and all the men should care about the rights of women.International Women’s Day is a restoration of the dignity of a woman so it should be celebrated on national and international levels.
International Women’s Day Quotes / International Women’s Day Slogans
“Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.” (Hillary Clinton)
“Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity” (Mahatma Gandhi)
“If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman” (Margaret Thatcher)
“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.” (Joseph Conrad)