Short Essay On Save Water, Save Trees!
Short Essay On Save Water, Save Trees! : It is said that…Nature is Necessary and it’s True! World is in complete without Natural Resources, as they are the basics need of humans!!They are our friends and family As well.
Water is basic Necessity of the is important element for the living things and without water no one can survive on this some measured criteria water has covered around 71% region of our earth and Human body maximum contains water too. But with the available part only 2% water is usable for humans. So People in the world feel scarcity of water and especially it is observed in India. Most of the Indian part feels they don’t have much available water with them but in some part of India there is plenty of water available and people in this area don’t realise value of it.

Same as water the second next component which earth consist maximum is trees. Tree is a friend, tree is a home, tree is source, tree is a medicine and tree is a shadow!!it is the most important part of the is a green cloth for the world. We live around contains 78% trees but still rest of the part is covered by the desert. Trees are the best sources for things like wood, medicine, silk, rubber etc. trees provides shadow to the humans and home to the birds. Trees are the best source for the oxygen!! As oxygen is only component for the humans to survive. If people will cut the trees they will reduce the amount of oxygen in the air which is not feasible as pollution is increasing day by day!!
The only solution to save trees and water is let people understand importance of it .they are the basic need for all. They are not available to all. People should use water carefully and should not waste it.they should transfer the water to the rural areas where water is not available. They should use the water in converting the energy. People should store them at dam so they can use it in summer days. In India some of the areas of Rajasthan is facing scarcity of water, people are dying because they don’t get proper and enough water to drink. Like water people should not cut the trees and in place of it they should grow more and more trees. Trees reduces the pollution in the air they provide cleaning mechanism of the air .trees provide cool and peaceful people should rather grow more and more trees!!
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