Open Letter to Kathleen Wynne, Deb Matthews, CEC and OPSEU Regarding Loss of Students Due to Faculty Strike
Date: 6th November 2017
Kathleen Wynne (Ontario Premier)
Deb Matthews (Ontario’s Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development)
OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union)
CEC (College Employer Council)
As 12,000 Ontario community college instructors, counselors, and librarians enter their fourth week of picketing, bargaining continues. Negotiations resumed last week, but there’s been no word on whether any progress has been made. The Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) and the College Employer Council (CEC) have both said they’re under a media blackout, and will not be commenting on the issue.
As strike enters 4th week, Students had lost their study, money and many other things. We are paying $7800 per semester for learning and getting a quality education. We are not paying our fees to waste in the strike. International students like me are coming to Canada to get the quality education. Due to strike We had lost our 21 days education (16th Oct – 6th Nov) without doing nothing.

I am a student of Fanshawe College and I got an email from the president of Fanshawe, that the semester will be extended to 22nd December 2017.
As an International Student, I had lost many things due to the strike:
- 21 Days of Education
- Hard-Earned Money without any Return
- My Vacation
- Money to be earned in vacation (Students are allowed to work fulltime in vacation(semester off))
- Many other things
Fanshawe International Department also informed to the international student that they can not do full-time work during a strike. So International students had lost their vacation in which we can do full-time and we can earn some money to pay our tuition fees. If I had worked full time during the strike I might earn extra $1250 in this 21 days.
One petition started by Ontario college students supported by 125000+ students about getting reimbursed the tuition fees had not got any reply from CEC, OPSEU and even from Ontario Premier and Ministry of Advanced Education. All are just showing hope to students.
On behalf of Ontario College Students, I would like to request Kathleen Wynne (Ontario Premier), Deb Matthews (Ontario’s Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development), OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union) and CEC (College Employer Council) to take a look in the loss of students due to the war between OPSEU and CEC. Students are suffering from the war(bargaining) between 2 parties.
Hoping for some good news about back to work, back to study and reimbursement of the tuition fees of the students.
If you are supporting this letter and facts please share to your social media and comment below your thoughts and show some love towards Ontario College Students.
Thanks & Regards,
Charmin Patel
(Ontario Colleges Student)
Need Support From Students and Parents:
- Tweet continuously @Kathleen_Wynne and @Deb_Matthews
- Contact your MPP — send them an email or call them
- Attend or organize student rallies that demand action
Ontario Faculty Strike Update
The bargaining talk resume between college faculty and college employer council on 2nd November.
Update on Ontario Colleges Faculty Strike
We got an email from college about the update on strike which is as follows:
The faculty union has rejected the latest offer from the College Employer Council, following a return to the bargaining table on November 2. We had hoped that a negotiated settlement would be reached. The College Employer Council has now asked the Labour Board to schedule a vote on the colleges’ offer. The College will inform you as soon as we know when that vote is scheduled. Fanshawe realizes this is a stressful and difficult time for everyone. Please be assured that we hear your concerns and are committed to answering your questions as best we can.
Tagged Under:
Ontario Faculty Strike, Ontario Faculty Strike Update, Faculty Strike Update, Faculty Strike Update 2017, Faculty Strike Update Ontario, #wepaytolearn