Generation gap refers to the difference in opinion, values and viewpoint among generations, especially between parents, grandparents and children. Well, unless parents and children are born at the same time, generation gap is an unavoidable occurrence. Every generation seems to be conflicting at one point or the other with its preceding and succeeding generation.
In ancient world, parents were given the status of gods and their commands used to be the final words for their children to listen. But it is not so at the present. The difference in generation gap that used to happen before and now is that at present, the generation gap is more. While children go wrong in treating their parents as people with old and outdated mindsets, parents also go wrong in ceasing to understand that their children too are independent individuals with their own thoughts. Children are not for seeing as the carbon copy of parents. They too have the right to take their own decisions sometimes.
At earlier times, the families were such that the parents or more specifically, either the eldest or the one most dominant in a certain way used to be the controller of the family. Other people had to be submissive and they have to be adapted to being so. The words of elders were taken as the gospel of truth and they were fulfilled at the cost of lives too. But now children are not like the remote controlled robots literally, like the past. The children now are equally vociferous, independent and are more vibrant part of the family. They are aware of their choices and apparently chooses to value their choices from time to time. This is a better way to run a family but in some cases it arises conflicts. We cannot blame on the children totally for not obeying by every rule that is imposed on them. It is the demand of today.
In this competitive world all wants to have their presence felt. In that case putting a curfew near every decision of a child will simply turn him against their parents. A proper relationship must be developed from the very start so that the understanding increases. When children are supported by parents in their choices and aims, they develop more love and respect for their parents. It gives them confidence which is incomparable. When children excel with their choices, they are respected and this brings pride to the family too. Being too strict on children will make them rebel against their parents and this will only destroy the happiness of a family. It is often seen that those children kept under too much bounds tends to do most if the wrong things when they get freedom. They feel free to do anything even if they get a little freedom and therefore cannot judge what to do and what not to do. So understanding this fact, parents must provide a healthy environment for a good relationship to grow and also this will maintain the peace of the family.